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Using Props to Boost Your Confidence

Happy Saturday and welcome to the weekend. I’m excited to be spending mine with my grandson. I love him like no other…shh…don’t tell the rest of my family:) Hunting for acorn caps and little mysteries that hide under bushes are magical times for us. I love to spin tales for him and expand his imagination. Children have wisdom we often forget. Enjoy the moment…don’t doubt yourself…and use props if your confidence needs an extra boost.

Confidence and Your Inner Critic...if you need props to boost your confidence, go for brighter lipstick and a smile!


“When your inner voice says you can’t do something…that’s your sign to do it”

The moment that niggling inner voice says you can’t do something…use it as an inspiration to try. Don’t let it intimidate you. Don’t let it affect your confidence. Of course, you can’t fail… if you don’t try things. But how good does fear and regret taste? Bitter to me. I’d rather try than be intimidated to not try.

My grandson carries a stuffed toy for added confidence. I didn’t need sunglasses for the sun on this gray day, but my allergies were bothering me and my makeup kept running off. So popping on sunglasses was my prop. It boosted my confidence just enough. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that help. A brighter lipstick and a smile go a long way to boost your confidence. Have a fun day!


xo Jennifer



  1. A stuffed toy for some and sunglasses for another. Hey – whatever works! You’re both adorable. I often use a hat for a prop – bad hair days. I feel confident the two of you enjoyed your weekend.

  2. I have a giant pair of Chanel sunglasses that I use as battle armour. Props are key!

  3. That hat! Those sunglasses! You look amazing!!

  4. I love “slowing down” with the grandkids! It seems like kids today are ALWAYS on the go! I like to let the grandkids see what its like to just sit and enjoy nature. No TV, no electronics, no games – just us! We play a game called “name that cloud” It is so fun – using our imagination and just time spent together lying on the grass outside! It’s wonderful.

    1. That’s me too! I’ll try the cloud game. We just love make believe.

  5. I so agree about lipstick–bright–and of course, sunglasses. But that hat! That HAT!

    1. It’s a very old Hellen Kaminski hat! A fav.

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